Generate your label

The label generator is a useful tool for companies to create the NutrInform Battery graphic logo for their products, in a simple and free way. Just enter the nutritional values of the product to generate the NutrInform label, than download it in high-resolution (pdf) or low-resolution (png), suitable for different purposes (artwork for printing or for company websites).
Each portion g
of an adult's reference intake (8,400kJ / 2,000kcal)
Per 100g: kJ / kcal
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The front-pack nutritional labelling scheme adopted in Italy, also proposed as a harmonized European scheme. For an aware choice.
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A new label
What is
NutrInform battery

Why a new label

Perchè una nuova etichettatura - famiglia
Perchè una nuova etichettatura - cibo
Perchè una nuova etichettatura - Benessere

The NutrInform Battery nutritional label on the front of the pack was conceived in response to the need to make conscious choices and identify a method to inform consumers rapidly and immediately about the nutritional characteristics of the food. This labeling does not replace the classic nutritional label on the back of the package, which shows the mandatory information (such as nutritional information and list of ingredients), but provides additional information.

What is NutrInform Battery

Reading guide.

Guida alla lettura
Guida alla lettura - frase top
Etichetta riferimento 1 guida alla lettura
Delle assunzioni di riferimento di un adulto medio (8.400 kJ / 2.000 kcal) - frase bottom
Etichetta riferimento 2 guida alla lettura
Etichetta riferimento 3 guida alla lettura
Etichetta riferimento 4 guida alla lettura
  1. All the indicated values concern the single portion.
  2. Each box indicates the quantity of calories, fats, saturated fats, sugars and salt of the single portion. The energy content is expressed in Joule and Calories. The contents of fats, saturated fats, sugars and salt are expressed in grams.
  3. Inside the ‘’battery’’ symbol there is a percentage of energy, fats, saturated fats, sugars and salt contained in each single portion in relation to the suggested daily quantity. The daily quantities recommended in EU are:
    1. Energy: 8400 kJ / 2000 kcal
    2. Fats: 70 g
    3. Saturates: 20 g
    4. Sugar: 90 g
    5. Salt: 6 g
  4. The charged section of the battery shows graphically the percentage of energy or nutrients contained in the single portion, allowing to quantify it also visually. The sum of the foods eaten during the day can “fill” the battery charge without surpassing a certain limit, in order not to exceed the suggested daily intake quantities.

Additional information

The nutritionists of the Italian Institute of Health (ISS) and the Food and Economic Research Council (CREA) and the representatives of category associations of the food and agricultural sectors and consumers were engaged in this project, led by four Ministries (Ministero della Salute,Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, Ministero dell'Agricoltura, della Sovranità alimentare e delle Foreste, Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale).

The reference parameters used to calibrate the single batteries (one for each single critical element, meaning calories, total fats, saturated fats, sugars and salt) are the European parameters set forth by table VIII of EU Regulation no. 1169/2011 – art. 35, which are also in line with LARN parameters (reference levels of nutrients for the Italian population) from which the portions determined on the basis of available scientific nutritional evidence are derived. The battery filling level corresponds in fact to the percentage of that specific nutrient that the recommended portion of the food brings to the consumer's diet, referring to the Reference Intakes (part B of Annex XIII of EU Regulation 1169/2011).

In the NutrInform Battery nutritional label, which is voluntary and not compulsory, each of the 5 batteries indicates to the consumer, the percentage and quantity of the variable it shows (calories, sugars, etc.) in relation to a portion of product being purchased. Hence, by simply looking at each single battery, the consumer is immediately informed about the exact percentage of the nutrient contained in a food portion in relation to the recommended maximum quantity, hence the quantity of that nutrient that he has still needs to take during the rest of the day.